Thomas, my adored chocolate bomb. Has, ever so slightly ‘gone off the whistle’. Hey, at this time of the shooting season, IE at the very end of it, he is in a VERY large club of other ‘not quite nailed’ … Continue reading
You know sometimes, when things are hectic, and there are so many good things happening it nearly becomes overwhelming to think about writing it up! 😉 Thats us, that is 😉 What major things have happened since I wrote last? … Continue reading
On the way back from a trial recently, one with a long drive home, a 3 hour drive home, and one that saw us both dismally taking the walk of shame by the second round (just to balance against the good … Continue reading
Its been a curse AND a boon that our rather lovely apartment has a ‘pay as you go’ computer right outside our room! So you don’t even have to trudge off to an internet cafe! So of an evening, when … Continue reading
Just a quick note to say Al and myself are off to smash plates, dance with Zorba and generally get two weeks R&R now in Santorini, so see you again on the 22nd or so (cough, unless I find an internet … Continue reading